Don’t get distracted with skills that are not strengths

While you design solutions, for learning or sales or finance or such enterprise functions – there are areas where a prior experience with custom software development in the enterprise space is useful. We are good at software engineering and technology consulting – that is our strength; not content nor the visual design. If one understood the line or staff functions well, they would call themselves Management Consultants. Even Digital Transformation or Blockchain or Mobile strategies would first fall under management consulting and then the implementation would need effort from the software engineering team.

Adeptus was founded with long experience in software technology application in enterprises. Our entire focus is on partnerships that are urgently needed. The benefit is better solutions, enhanced ROI, increased utilisation of software resources, and added capabilities. The premise is to do what one is good at and not what creates a challenges or increases cost

For example, we developed solutions for content discovery, personalisation, training, sales… for increased client focus by using AI, VR, Analytics, Data Analytics and Mobile technologies. I would love to talk about these as well as how our capabilities were useful.

Use specialists (internal or external) for assignments that need that knowledge. Avoid risks and budget escalation issues.


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